Name : John Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? :
January, 2001
Where do you live? : Orange County, California
Comments : OK, now that the Guestbook is operational again, feel free
to leave your comments. What did you like on these pages? Didn't like?
Name : Robert Noiseux
Email :
Where do you live? : Brooklyn, Conn
Comments : I have a 1968 Waukesha CFR engine out in the barn. It is
complete and has 220 hours on it. Does something like this have any value? Neat
to see so much info on such a rare item!
Name : Steve Pelletier
Email : |
Where do you live? : in the desert ????
Comments : I is always fun clicking through the pictures and memories.
Thank you very much, John. This is a real treat, and means a lot to all of us!
Name : Sandra Rolfe
Email :
Where do you live? : Bucks, UK
Comments : V. interested in your genealogy - I am great great
granddaughter of Ambrose Runyard & Keturah Gill. Still researching!
Name : Heinz Frickenschmidt
Email :
Where do you live? : Germany
Comments : Hi out there ! I just started a page with the intent that
bikers around the world can meet and see their faces. I would be happy if you
would be one of the first to join. Itīs absolutely free and there is no
advertising either. Hope to hear from you !
Name : Tony Runyeard
Email :
Where do you live? : Upton Norwich Norfolk UK
Comments : Found your site this evening, after having a request for Tea
Towel I designed for the Reunion. It was a great weekend, my wife and two of my
children were there as well as my late father George. He was the oldest person
present and came from Donhead near
Name : Vic Karian
Email :
Where do you live? : Michigan
Comments : I found your website informative and well presented. Thank
you, Vic Karian
Name : margaret runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 13th April2001
Where do you live? : Battrick Cottage,3School Cottages,Almer,Blandford
Comments... : I am married to Neil John Runyard Bill and Dots nephew
(son of Alfred John and Lillian Edith Esme) Neil and I had the wonderful
opportunity of being present at the Runyard reunion in 1989 along with our young
daughter Kirsty who was 5 months old then.
Name : Andy Cleland
Email :
Todays Date? : 20 April 2001
Where do you live? : London, UK.
Comments... : Great site - one of the more interesting on the 'web. I
used to work on a refinery in Wales and remember the octane engines
"put-putting" away in the lab. Cheers, Andy C.
Name : Brian Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 2-May-2001
Where do you live? : Upton, Poole, Dorset. UK
Comments... : Hello John, enjoyed the page. It reminded me of the
Name : george crist
Email :
Todays Date? : 5/27/01
Where do you live? : indiana
Comments... : cool site. Ran these babies for 20 years now. are there
any more sites like this?
Name : Angus & Maureen
Email :
Todays Date? : 06-03-01
Where do you live? : Petaluma, Ca.
Comments... : Paul, You did a fantastic job! Thank you.
Name : the holloways
Email :
Todays Date? : 6/10/01
Where do you live? : parson drove
Comments... : John, great memorial day pics. thanks for the buggy ride.
Name : Mike McCluskey
URL : NO, our Redneck ISP cant figure out how to set them up yet! At
least they are FREE!!
Email :
Todays Date? : 6-14-2001
Where do you live? : We reside in Alabama but only really LIVE at
Steve's Place!
Comments... : Just got back on 6-12, we decided to stay a week longer
to attend a family reunion in Vegas. Thanks for everyone coming out, it was
great to see everyone again. We had a great weekend and will definitely be there
next year. I have lots of pictures and wil
Name : Brian Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 26 June 2001
Where do you live? : Upton Poole Dorset UK
Comments... : Hi I'm Brian Runyard, Son of Kenneth Walter. Just to let
you know that another generation has just been added. My daughter Victoria gave
birth to a son, Thomas Daniel Stephen Boyle, on 17th May 2001.
Name : D.G. Weber-Duffy
Email :
Todays Date? : 07/04/01
Where do you live? : Sunnyside,Queens, N.Y
Comments... : I was looking at the Runyard reunion and family history
info with interest. Robert visited my parent's home in Simsbury,CT in the late
seventies or so. My mom is Grayce Runyard Weber and she and my father retired to
Harrington,DE. I have not looked at e
Name : greg snape
Email :
Todays Date? : 24/08/01
Where do you live? : Australia
Comments... : oz outback is wild, but id love to ride out
Name : E. P. (Bud) Hensely
Email :
Todays Date? : Aug. 28, 2001
Where do you live? : Sweeny, Texas
Comments... : I sent you an email. I just remembered we have an old
Phillips vacuum tube meter box (124A?) that was used with the old 3C. I'll See
if I can get permission to get a picture of it and send it to you. It also had
an oscil- liscope connection as well as
Name : Jessica Rios
Email :
Todays Date? : 8/29/01
Where do you live? : Covina, CA
Comments... : Hi John, We regulars at looneyville. Just showing my
friends the site. (Porter, Jess and Jeremiah)
Name : Ramon Richie
Email :
Todays Date? : 2001-sept-9
Where do you live? : Netherlands
Comments... :
Name : Beverly Howell
Email :
Todays Date? : 09/27/2001
Where do you live? : Mammoth, AZ
Comments... : The site is great.
Name : J. Anibal Ruiz S.
Email :
Todays Date? : Oct 2/2001
Where do you live? : Guatemala City
Comments... : Great page (Octane engine), just what I was looking for.
Great resource. Thanks, John
Name : Kiki Rodriguez
Email :
Todays Date? : 10/10/01
Where do you live? : Anaheim Hills, Ca
Comments... : Have written many songs about Steve's Place...think I'll
write another right now. Thank you for making my brother and I welcome every
Name : Rebecca Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 08th November 2001
Where do you live? : Oxford, England
Comments... : I attended the Runyard reunion with several of my family
members and still have the tea-towel today. I would be interested to know how
all the current generations are related
Name : Jean SIm (nee Runyard)
Email :
Todays Date? : 9.11.01
Where do you live? : New Zealand
Comments... : My cousin John Seaton told me about this site. How
wonderful. I would love to keep in touch and find other members of the family.
Time is always a problem though. Really exciting to see this site.
Name : Judey Alvarez
Email :
Todays Date? : 11-10-01
Where do you live? : Waukegan, IL
Comments... : My grandfather, Thomas Runyard, was a cousin of Wilson
Runyard who is mentioned in your letter about the Family Reunion in England in
1989. I also have an uncle named John, my grandfather's oldest son.
Name : Barbara (McKinney) Chabot
Email :
Todays Date? : 11-15-01
Where do you live? : Portland, TX
Comments... : I'm so happy to have found your site. I have always been
interested in my Runyard family history. My mother was a Runyard and I attended
many reunions at Robert and Elenor Runyard's farm in Richmond, IL. I am
descended from from John Robert Runyard and Mary
Name : Philip Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 09 December 2001
Where do you live? : Maidstone, England
Comments... : I was nine at the time of the reunion, nice to find this
site. I am the nephew of Len Runyard. I am at the moment coming to the end of
spending a semester at Penn State Uni USA.
Name : Eric Tucker
Email :
Todays Date? : Dec. 20, 2001
Where do you live? : Vernon, BC, Canada
Comments... : I love the old pictures and history on the engines...your
site has been a great one to explain how testing was done on it,
keep up the good work.