Name: : John Gelissen
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 29/12/2006
Where do you live: : The Netherlands
Comments... : To all CFR test engineers!
We are the main supplier for Reference Fuels for the Waukesha Engines!
Please give me a call on +31437110106
Name: : Bruce Wright
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 12/27/2006
Where do you live: : Fremont, Indiana
Comments... : Enjoyed your site - a lot to read!
Name: : Dave Porter
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 12-23-2006
Where do you live: :
Comments... : Hi John, just viewing your wonderful
collection while working at the Los Angeles County Traffic Management
Center in downtown LA. Its the holiday weekend, 0100 hours, and sure do
miss seeing you guys as well as the wonderful desert. Have a great
Name: : Mr. Poldej Namsithan
Your Home Page URL: : -
Email: :
Todays Date: : 20-Dec-06
Where do you live: : Thailand
Comments... : Dear Sir,
My name is Poldej I am working in Lab of ARC refinery (Chevron
Thailand)I would like to consult you about CFR engine such as how to
operate, how to preventive maintenance, and reparing.
I am looking forward from your hearing.
Name: : BReen
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : None
Where do you live: : France, New York
Comments... : You have some really cool stuff at your site. Im sure gonna come back here
Name: : Donna Hill Johnson
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 11-11-06
Where do you live: : Bend, Oregon
Comments... : This was a very interesting site. I
hope you are still keeping it updated. Im not a Runyard but I have a lot
of old books from the Hill family in Southern Oregon and some of them
were my Aunt Sylvias...her name, Sylvia Runyard, appears in some of
them. Sh
Name: : melanie mcwilliams
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 7.11.06
Where do you live: : ottery st mary
Comments... : does anyone know who Elizabeth Runyard
b.1779 married? She was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Galton-only
her son Robertb.1806 is called Runyard and Im wondering if she married a
Name: : melanie mcwilliams
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 22.10.06
Where do you live: : devon
Comments... : Hi-an update on yesterdays query-I now
know were descended from Loisa Runyard of Wool who married Edward
Tong-my gr. gran was Mathilda Maud Tong and gran+ Eva Tong-anyone fill
me in any more please?
Name: : melanie mcwilliams
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 21.10.06
Where do you live: : ottery st mary, devon
Comments... : hi Im interested in finding out more
about the Runyards were descended from. My Gran was Eva Tong and had 2
brothers, Ray and Steve-I think her mother was Runyard-also does anyone
know the name of the Runyard who was TE Lawrences friend-as Id like to
Name: : Hannah Runyard
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 1st september 06
Where do you live: : blandford, dorset
Comments... : it is great to see that others are
interested in our family history and i dont know if any body else knows
about this but one of our relatives mike runyard stared in the hit movie
charlies angels full throtel as a motorcross stuntsman. if ever anybody
Name: : Herman Smit
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 19-aug-2006
Where do you live: : Netherlands
Comments... : I am working by the Netherlands
Refining Compagnie for 35 years speciality testing and maintenance
octane engines, RON, MON Cetane
Name: : Mike Adams
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : Aug. 15, 2006
Where do you live: : Texas
Comments... : Great CFRs alive !
Nice to meet other refinery folks.
Name: : Brian Runyard
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 27/06/2006
Where do you live: : Poole, Dorset. UK
Comments... : Hi John.
I share the same Great Great Great Grandfather as Robert D Runyard, who I believe is your dad.
My father was Kenneth son of Alfred (b 12-10-1881)
Great site, every time I visit I find something of interest that I missed before.
Ive added a li
Name: : Byron Knight
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 6/22/2006
Where do you live: : New Zealand
Comments... : Thanks John for your dedication to this and your other pages. Keep up the good work. P.S. Come and see us in NZ OK?
Name: : Jeff
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 6/18/2006
Where do you live: : Tennessee
Comments... : I am still in awe to have learned so
much about the Runyard family that I never know. I will visit frequently
to learn more.
Name: : Jennifer Chase
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 5/27/06
Where do you live: : Colorado
Comments... : My father (William Chase)was a Runyard
through his mother Mary Runyard Chase of Antioch, IL. In addition Marys
brother (Tom Runyard) married Harriet Chase (my grandfathers sister).
Lots of intermarriage of families in that corner of northern IL.
Name: : Troy Middleton
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : 5/24/06
Where do you live: : Los Angeles, CA
Comments... : WOW! I wish I would have stumbled onto
this site some time ago. Please check out my website My friends and I are big advocates of keeping
public lands open for others to explore (be it desert or otherwise). I
feel like I have been
Name: : Jon Runyard
Your Home Page URL: :
Email: :
Todays Date: : april
Where do you live: : IL
Comments... : Hey, I was just looking on google and I noticed that we have the same last names!
Name : Pam
Email :
Todays Date? : 03/09/06
Where do you live? : Pennsylvania
Comments... : Cool site , alot of information
Name : Vet
Email :
Todays Date? : 1.8.06
Where do you live? : USA
Comments... : Awesome site and resources ..., Thanks for the visit ~

2005 Archived:
Name : Daniel F. Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 12-14-05
Where do you live? : Antioch, Illinois
Comments... : Found this site very interesting, Found
my family members, I am John Robert Runyard Great Great Grandson thank
you very much.
Name : mumuan
URL : yahoo
Email :
Todays Date? : 25:11:2005
Where do you live? : lome
Comments... : i love this page ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Name : Jason Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 23/11/05
Where do you live? : Colchester.UK
Comments... : I was also at the family reunion in
1989 i was the youngest member of the runyard family there how cool. i
also have one of the family-tree tea towels as well :)
Name : Jason Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 23/11/05
Where do you live? : Colchester.UK
Comments... : Hi john well done with the website its great and it has a lot of interesting things on it. :)
Name : Pam
Email :
Todays Date? : 09th. November, 2005
Where do you live? : Cornwall
Comments... : A fascinating site with heaps of info.
Name : Trish Styles
Email :
Todays Date? : 10-8-2005
Where do you live? : Murphys Ca
Comments... : Looks like everyone always has a good
time at Steves Place,tell my big bro Steven Styles Hi and his famlies
and dont forget his hotties..(his dogs)Thanks
Name : Chuck Goebel
Email :
Todays Date? : 09/23/05
Where do you live? : Hawthorne, CA
Comments... : Hello John! This is very interesting. I
havent really dug into it yet, but I will when I get some more time.
Ill tell Rod Groenewold, AGSEM Director, about your website. Iknow hell
be interested.
Name : Yukio Mizushima
Email :
Todays Date? : 9.22.05
Where do you live? : Vallejo, CA
Comments... : I sure do miss the food, shooting and the offbeat shannanigans that go on the few times i was there!
Name : George C. Huoh
Email :
Todays Date? : August 20, 2005
Where do you live? : Fremont, CA
Comments... : I enjoy going through the information
of the website. I also appreciate your efforts to bring the CFR engines
to the public. I send you an E-mail of looking for contractor to work on
our Los Angeles labs R and M engines. Hope you can find someone for us T
Name : Paul Kuehn
Email :
Todays Date? : 7/12/05
Where do you live? : Braidwood, ILL 60408
Comments... : What a great and comprehensive website
you have. I surfed to find out the octane ratings of gasoline in the
late 60s early 70s era. I have a sizeable bet with a friend on what the
octane rating was for regular and premium (ethyl)gas was then. I say
Name : Donna
Email :
Todays Date? : 10/7/2005
Where do you live? : Dorset
Comments... : Hope you and the family are well. We
have spoken before. Stella Runyard from East Lulworth was my 3 sisters
mother. Just wanted to say that i think your website is wonderful. It is
great that you are sharing the Diary of Henry Roll and the interesting
Name : Big Joe
Email :
Todays Date? : 6-3-2005
Where do you live? : Moreno Valley and Steve place when possible
Comments... : Just thought I would sign in. I look at
this site at least once a week and have never signed in. The way you
document our lives and memories is fantastic. People ask what I do out
in the middle of the desert and I show them this site and all they can
Name : John Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 5-13-05
Where do you live? : Bellingham Wa.
Comments... : Like your web page!
Name : Michele Rusiewski
Email :
Todays Date? : May 01, 2005
Where do you live? : Fullerton, CA
Comments... : The links to my dad, John Burchak, are
wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to do something like that. No
words can describe how much my dad will be missed. Thank you - Michele
Name : Andrew william Runyard
Email :
Todays Date? : 05/04/2005
Where do you live? : Colchester
Comments... : I am really impressed with all of the
info on the site.I was at the Runyard reunion in 1989 in wareham i was
3. At the time my brother jason was the youngest family member.
Name : Karen Styles
Email :
Todays Date? : 03-31-05
Where do you live? : Arnold Ca.-The Mountains
Comments... : This is such a great site,wanted to see
my Bro. and family! Looks like fun-wish I was there at Steves place,
maybe someday! Keep up the good work and play!
Name : Mark Mallet
Email :
Todays Date? : 3/18/05
Where do you live? : Chandler, Texas
Comments... : some really good pics..
I feel as you about the vandels,
Why cant we all just get along?
Leave stuff the way one finds it!
I cant understand why folks have to tear stuff up, and cant just look and leave!
Name : Teresa Pearcy (nee Slade)
Email :
Todays Date? : 11/03/2005
Where do you live? : Wiltshire, England, UK
Comments... : Read the excerpts of Henry Rolls diary
and found my 4 X Great Grandfather Joseph Slade b. 1762 mentioned! Wow!!
Also found he had a brother James that I didnt know about. Jamess
daughter Sarah b.1781 married your John Runyard. I have found baptism
Name : Bert Rolls
Email :
Todays Date? : 02/27/05
Where do you live? : New Jersey, U.S.A.
Comments... : Looking for anyone interested in ROLLS family tree.
Name : Donna Robertson
Email :
Todays Date? : 25 Feb 2005
Where do you live? : Washington
Comments... : Outstanding site! Especially liked the
Diary of Henry Rolls I have Skillers from East Lulworth. Has the diary
been published for sale? Ill visit often.
Name : mark white
Email :
Todays Date? : 2/15/2005
Where do you live? : galveston texas
Comments... : jerry runyards (sweetwater texas) grandson
Name : The Kellys
Email :
Todays Date? : 2/3/05
Where do you live? : Costa Mesa
Comments... :
Name :
Email :
Todays Date? :
Where do you live? :
Comments... : I was going to say I enjoyed your pics and comments before I hit enter. Scooters Mom
Name : Beverly
Email :
Todays Date? : 01/31/2005
Where do you live? : Mammoth AZ
Comments... :
Name : R.Burtcher
Email :
Todays Date? : Sat January 28 2005
Where do you live? : Mchenry IL
Comments... : John .. that was some really cool
reading. I had known a little about how the R=M method was achieved but
not the mechanical. That is TRUE grass roots HOT RODDING material you
shared. Thankyou R.B.